We are thankful to the Lord for His Word, the Bible. Especially everytime we are able to place it into the hands of someone who will not only appreciate it but will also read and obey it. This is the case with Francis. He is a believer from Africa. When we were able to find him a Spanish / English Bible he was overjoyed, because now he had the Word of God in a language he can understand. Please pray for Francis, he has not seen his family in nearly seven years and his father passed away over the summer. Hopefully in 2008 he will be able to travel back to his country and see his family.
Le damos gracias al Senor por Su Palabra, la Biblia. Nos llena de gozo cada vez que podemos hacer llegar la Biblia a personas que no solo lo aprecian pero tambien lo lean y lo obedezcan. Este es el caso de Francis. El es un creyente que viene del Africa. Cuando pudimos encontrarle una Biblia en Ingles y en Espanol el estaba gozoso porque ahora poseia la Palabra de Dios en un idioma que el puede comprender. Por favor oren por Francis, el no ha visto a su familia en casi siete anios y su padre fallecio durante el verano. Esperamos que en el 2008 el pueda viajar a su pais y ver a sus seres queridos.