Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Michigan in April - Abril en Michigan

The State of Michigan - El Estado de Michigan

During the month of April, we were able to visit many family and friends in the State of Michigan. We will be showing a few of the areas and people we were able to meet with and share what God is doing in Spain.

Durante el mes de abril, pudimos visitar a varios familiares y amigos en el Estado de Michigan. Mostraremos algunos lugares y personas con quienes pudimos reunirnos y compartir lo que Dios esta haciendo en Espana.

Marcia and Mike, of Hesperia, help us among many things, with our newsletters by sending them via Post Office.
Marcia y Mike, de Hesperia, nos ayudan entre muchas cosas, a enviar nuestras noticias por Correos.

Hesperia, Michigan

We had the privelege of sharing the Passover with the members of Lighthouse Community Church. It was an emotional time because during the Passover we remember what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross becoming the lamb that takes away the sins of the world.

Tuvimos el privilegio de compartir la Pascua con los hermanos de la iglesia de Lighthouse Community Church. Fue un momento emotivo porque durante la Pascua recordamos lo que Jesucristo hizo por nosotros en la cruz siendo EL el cordero que quita el pecado del mundo.

Mercedes and the Ludington Ladies Bible Study Group with gifts.
Mercedes y las Senoras del Grupo de Estudio Biblico de Ludington con regalos.

Ludington, Michigan

We enjoyed celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ at Trinity EFC, our home church, Easter Sunday morning. Then in the evening we visited First Church of Wellston and several friends around Wellston.

Disfrutamos al celebrar la Resurreccion de nuestro Senor Jesucristo en la IEL Trinity, nuestra iglesia enviadora, el domingo de Gloria. Luego por la tarde visitamos la Primera Iglesia de Wellston y varios amigos alrededor de Wellston.

Marlan & several members of Living Waters EFC and Mercedes showing Pastor Dave the castanets.
Marlan y varios miembros de la IEL Living Waters y Mercedes mostrandole el uso de las castanuelas al Pastor Dave.

Southgate, Michigan

Close to the Detroit area we were able to visit and present the ministry in Spain with the Living Waters EFC and then had a wonderful time eating out with some of the members of the church.

Cerca de la ciudad de Detroit, pudimos visitar y presentar el ministerio en Espana con los hermanos de la IEL Living Waters y luego disfrutamos el compartir alimentos con algunos miembros de la iglesia.

Receiving Stanton hospitality and worshiping our Lord at Trinity EFC.
Recibiendo la hospitalidad del pueblo de Stanton y adorandle a nuestro Senor en la IEL Trinity.
Stanton, Michigan
We enjoyed getting to know several families from Trinity church while finishing out the month of April in Stanton. The church was very gracious in sharing with us their mission home for a few days as we prepared for another leg of our journey.
Finalizando el mes de abril disfrutamos el llegar a conocer a varias familias de la iglesia de Trinity en Stanton. Tambien pudimos quedarnos en su casa para misioneros por algunos dias para prepararnos para el resto del viaje.